Great Medical Solutions

Disability Insurance

Find long term or short term disability insurance quotes quick and easy with our simple online form!

According to the Social Security Administration, it is estimated that 25% of people will become disabled before they retire. This is a staggering statistic, and the probability goes up If more dangers are associated with your profession. The question that needs to be asked is how long will you be able to continue your lifestyle should you become disabled. Think of disability insurance as a safety net. Should you become unable to perform the core functions of your work, disability insurance will replace your paycheck.

Short Term Disability

This is a coverage that will protect you for a short time. This is usually around for 3-6 months.

Long Term Disability

This is coverage that will protect you for years, and sometimes even decades. Because of the way disability plans work, a lot of policies pair short-term and long-term disability together.
If you are at high risk for injury or worry about losing your financial stability if you ever become unable to work due to injury, call me and I will give you my expert opinion on whether or not this can help you. This is not a type of insurance everyone needs, so before you jump the gun, talk to me, and I can help you decide if this can help you in your particular situation.
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